Project Lendwirtschaft

This is us.

The house in the pictures is the one of our parents, where we were growing up. Hermine and Gottfried, our parents, are still living in the already existing apartment. We, the three siblings Veronika (1982), Emmanuel (1983) and Christina (1989), are reboulding the old barn into 4 seperate living spaces with workshop, storage rooms and a common room.


We are very keen to maintain the character of the house.


We try to use ecological builing materials, such as straw, wood, clay and chalk. The more we know, the more certain we are about this concept of natural materials and making this proejct togehter. We are constantly working on gainig knowledge and are happy to share if somebody is interested!


It is very important for us to play a huge part in the process of constructing. We reduced our custom work, so that we can make as much as we can ourselves. When needed we ask professionals for help, but we try to do as much with friends and people who are interested in this kind of construction.


We were also proud to have gained journeymen and women for our project and were moreover hosting already over 50 helpers through Help Exchange (

Very important for us is a good working climate and appreciative handling on the construction site.  

Die Lendwirtschaft











Familie Schmölz

Lendgasse 9

6060 Hall in Tirol